Immediate Impact, Sustainable Results

At ER-Marine, we empower the maritime industry to navigate the energy transition with practical, innovative solutions. From reducing methane slip in LNG-fueled vessels to preparing for alternative fuels like ammonia and methanol, we ensure our clients remain competitive, compliant, and ready for a zero-emission future.

Our Approach

The energy transition as a journey requiring immediate action, medium-term optimisation, and long-term sustainability.

Immediate action for impact

  • Optimise vessel operations with low cost, energy-efficient solutions.

  • Address methane slip and reduce carbon emissions in existing vessels.

Medium-Term Optimisation

  • Upgrade vessels with advanced technologies to boost efficiency and extend lifespan.

Long-Term Sustainability

  • Transition vessels to future-ready fuels like methanol and ammonia.

  • Develop zero-emission strategies aligned with global decarbonisation goals.

Our Services

Energy Efficiency and Emission Reduction

  • Optimise auxiliary systems (e.g., electrical, cooling water, low-pressure air, hydraulic, bilge, steam, automation, and control systems).

  • Reduce auxiliary engine loads and streamline steam plant and HVAC operations.

  • Implement advanced technologies, such as electronic autotuning, waste heat recovery, and VFDs for pumps and fans.

  • Retrofit lighting systems with energy-saving LEDs.

Alternative Fuel Readiness

  • Prepare vessels for the transition to ammonia, methanol, and other alternative fuels.

  • Develop tailored decarbonization plans for vessels of varying ages and profiles.

  • Implement methane slip mitigation strategies for LNG-fueled vessels, including FSRU’s and FLNG’s.

Newbuild Advisory Services

  • Provide design reviews to ensure energy efficiency and emissions reduction.

  • Integrate emission measurement systems to identify improvement opportunities and support long-term efficiency.

  • Prepare vessels for alternative fuels like ammonia and methanol.


With over 20 years of expertise, we provide expert-driven solutions to minimise methane slip and ensure operational compliance:

  • Proven Expertise: Early adopter of SCR technology and pioneer of emission-reducing designs.

  • Offshore Wind Leadership: Trusted in South Korea for integrating offshore wind into the energy transition.

  • Practical Impact: Cost-effective strategies delivering immediate results and preparing for long-term compliance.

Whether you’re optimising your LNG operations, reducing emissions, or preparing for a zero-emission future, ER-Marine is your partner for sustainable success.

Erik Roelans ECCK ERMarine Ulsan hydrogen expert forum

Ready to lead the energy transition?

Contact us today to begin your journey to zero emissions.